Do you remember your favorite circus performers? Jugglers, tamers, acrobats, clowns, magicians, dancers, telepaths, mathematicians with incredible abilities and presenters. Put them together and we get closer to the concept of flexibility and “fitness” of the brain.

In fact, let’s be precise – it is the brain-mind system whose flexibility, plasticity and agility can be measured and developed through training and a suitable lifestyle habits. 

The brain has many areas responsible for different functions, skills, attitudes. A flexible brain is one that can learn to use all its areas with equal ease and see the world in its totality and completeness.

This is possible if there are neural pathways along which the impulses pass. These pathways are created with exercise and if we don’t interfere with the brain by maintaining a healthy daily lifestyle.

This prevents stress, increases self-esteem, leads to success in everything we do and wonderful relationships with the people around us.

The flexibility of the brain is also associated with something else – the ability to “unlearn” or forget already formed habits and stereotypes and try new things, seek change, and constantly learn new things.

In other words, flexibility is movement, change, creativity. And the brain does not like to change! But at the same time, it needs it to be nimble and functional!

Where does the term neuro-flexibility come from?

Neuro-Agility is a trademark of Neurolink, a South African company that has been involved in applied neuroscience for over 20 years, helping students, athletes, students, employees, and anyone interested in developing their own learning, remembering, processing information, dealing with complex problems, reducing stress, improving performance and efficiency.

The primary tool for measuring brain plasticity is the Neuro-Agility Advanced+ Profile. It works on an individual level.

There is also a special tool that supports the development of team dynamics and overall success in organizations (and in sports teams).

And for the younger and the little ones – there are two specialized tools that measure brain flexibility and ways of learning effectively.


Neurological design flexibility

The flexibility of the brain-mind system, which we call Neurological design, is the ability (or habit) of the brain to use all its areas simultaneously and in balance:

  • Creative and analytical thinking at the same time (rather than only analytical or only creative)
  • Verbal and non-verbal communication.
  • Gestalt (visuality) and language function.
  • Expressiveness and receptivity function in sync.
  • Rational and emotional processing occur in parallel.
  • Information is processed simultaneously visually, auditorily, and kinesthetically, by all sensors and senses.
  • One sees multiple perspectives at the same time – a 360-degree view.

When our brain is plastic, then we also develop the mental or psychic flexibility that looks like:

  • Holding multiple ideas and understandings simultaneously.
  • Switch between different metaphorical ways of thinking and learning with ease.
  • Easily create connections between past, present and future experiences.
  • Quickly recognize patterns and connections between experiences.
  • Forgetting unnecessary and inappropriate knowledge, beliefs, patterns, habits.
  • Ability to easily learn, unlearn and relearn, acquiring new skills quickly and easily.
  • Fewer mistakes and accidents because the brain doesn’t get into neurological blockages.
  • Experiencing change flexibly and easily.
  • Flexible thinking and attitude to develop and learn from everything.
  • Lower levels of stress and exhaustion.