TRAINING | Conscious leadership – programs for leaders



Our understanding of leadership is largely based on the definition and concept of mindful leadership, which is a new thinking model for leaders that ensures sustainable success! This mindset can best be described as a growth mindset, which allows us to achieve anything as long as we put in the necessary effort, as opposed to a fixed mindset, which believes that our skills and talents are innate, and we cannot develop new skills. Leaders with a growth mindset are pro-active, take responsibility for their own actions, learn from their mistakes, have a constant drive to improve and thus by personal example inspire, motivate, engage, and encourage their people to achieve sustainable results over time!

Perceptions and expectations towards leaders have changed significantly in recent years. In organisations, leadership and organisational development are becoming increasingly relevant topics. To lead an organisation and a team, the charisma is not enough. Our programmes are focused on developing leadership qualities and skills in your talent pool and can have a significant impact on your organisation’s growth and its competitive advantage. In addition, investing in the leadership potential of managers has a direct correlation to increased productivity, performance, and employee engagement over the long term!

We believe we have already captured your curiosity! Find out more about our two innovative programmes – Leadership Academy and Video Leadership Programme and contact us for more details. We at CATRO believe that there are leadership qualities in everyone, it is just a matter of time and desire to discover and develop them!

Модели за развитие на таланти


Who can join?

The Academy is suitable for:

  • Young talents/recently promoted managers who need to develop their leadership potential
  • Companies that invest in developing visionary leaders and next-generation talents
  • Newly formed teams or middle management level employees, leading the organisation’s processes and making key decisions
  • Employees with proactive behaviours who have the courage to delve into their leadership potential, explore their personal characteristics, and push beyond their limits.

How to become a leader?

The academy is designed on a modular basis where each module builds on the previous one and goes into depth with each topic. Each module has a core topic and several sub-topics that participants explore and experience, guided by an experienced facilitator and/or business coach.

How do we develop leadership qualities?

The Leadership Academy methodology is a combination of:

  • Theory and Practice – Applied Psychology and Neuroscience
  • Discussions and case studies
  • Interactions and psychodramatic techniques
  • Psychological and individual coaching support
  • Homework and feedback
  • Group sessions between modules – to build on what was learned and discuss the case studies.
  • Group projects that participants initiate and implement in order to put what they have learned into practice.


  • Leadership awareness and Leader effectiveness
  • Communication skills and interaction
  • Emotional intelligence of the leader
  • Delegation and feedback
  • Employee motivation and engagement
  • Performance Management
  • Conflict management and mediation
  • Team formation and management

After a preliminary diagnosis, the topics can be expanded with additional modules and highlights that meet the specific needs of the participants. The diagnosis is based on a proprietary coaching methodology: the Leadership Wheel, which covers core leadership skills and behaviours in each industry, and can also take into account the competency model of the leaders in the specific company (if such is implemented).

Effectiveness and impact

The Leadership Academy at CATRO pays special attention to analysing the effectiveness and satisfaction of training in the short and medium term. Among the tools we use to measure effectiveness are a training satisfaction assessment, an individual plan to track each participant’s progress, a peer support system (the so-called buddy system), and management support recommendations.

See what previous participants and their organisations have to say about the academy:


„Екипът от професионалисти на CATRO демонстрира изключително добра подготовка по време на сътрудничеството ни в рамките на програма за обучиение на лидерите ни, в която бяха застъпени 15 модула обхващати теми като Лидерска осъзнатост, Комуникационни умения, Емоционална интелигентнист, Мотивация и ангажиране, Управление на: представянето, проекти, конфликти, промяната  и др. Участниците дадоха положителна обратна връзка за представянето на всеки от обучителите. Като особено полезни посочика проведените екипни игри и казусите с практическа насоченост

Нина Колева – Мениджър ЧР

Palfinger, Tanevo
Лого на Socotab

„All members of CATRO had a creative and proactive approach to the task and showed flexibility and attention to details. (…) CATRO is a reliable partner in personnel training and development sphere. (…) CATRO Bulgaria’s members exhibited high professional standards and strong commitment to delivering the most effective training to our employees. (…) Excellent communication, proper and timely feedback, as well as high competence of trainers.”

Лого на Порше България

„The training combined a blend of theoretical and practical exercises and allowed a lot group discussions and individual counseling.”

Porsche Leasing
Лого на AXS Marine

“CATRO proposed a tailor-made program and customized a solution that worked out perfectly for our needs. (…) CATRO’s consultants are highly skilled at engaging all attendants of the trainings in the learning process.”

AXS Marine



The Virtual and hybrid communication have imposed new models of working and learning. Overloading and lack of time is pushing the people to seek new, short online and video forms of learning that easily summarize current research, studies, case studies, and theoretical models.

Together with Semperia Films, we have created a one-of-a-kind video training series in a bite-sized learning format: ‘Succeeding in the New Virtual Reality’ and ‘Leadership in Hybrid Conditions – Challenges and Solutions’. The idea was born out of our experience with a number of companies, hundreds of international and domestic research studies, and internal research.

The miniseries has 2 seasons with 4 videos each, presenting different situations and possible paths for positive change, touching key moments of every leader’s daily life.

Who is it suitable for?

The video-leadership programme is relevant for the development of managers, team leaders and all people who are interested in the topics of management and leadership, personal development, leadership skills and team effectiveness, competencies of a successful leader, leadership, and motivation of people, what is the influence of the leader on the team.


Season 1 – “Succeeding in the New Virtual Reality “

  • “The new communication” – tackling the challenges of online communication and hybrid working environment
  • Introducing new employees to remote working
  • Difficulty in recognising problematic situations and unspoken needs of colleagues – first signs of demotivation/overload/burnout
  • How to maintain high levels of motivation and engagement among my people in times of uncertainty and unpredictability.

Season 1 trailer

Season 2 – “Hybrid Leadership – Challenges and Solutions”

  • Leader well-being in a hybrid environment – how to set effective personal boundaries and maintain work-life balance to avoid burnout and keep your team effective. Achieving balance between personal and managerial responsibilities as a formula to effective leadership.
  • Leadership Flexibility – How to be adaptive leaders in order to keep the team motivated and engaged in hybrid environments
  • Conflict and Communication – New Approaches and Mediation Techniques
  • Team spirit and cohesiveness of hybrid teams – tools and practical ideas to enhance the sense of belonging and team synergy.

Season 2 trailer


The magic happens through short mini sessions (up to 1.5 hours) where the presented video case studies are discussed and new understanding and possible solutions are sought here. It is also possible to integrate the videos into a comprehensive, long-term Leadership Academy in a hybrid format. Now you can challenge positive change and provoke leadership development in your organisation’s talents in an innovative and creative way. You can support them in becoming not only more successful leaders, but also more adaptable, courageous, and satisfied people with their personal and organisational well-being!

Check out the season 1 reviews:


” Хибридният вариант на провеждане направи възможно да постигнем над 93% присъствие на всички планирани за обучението, което в период на интензивна заболеваемост и работа по проекти считам за отличен резултат. Считам, че личният принос на лекторите допринесе за отличната обратна връзка от участниците и положителна нагласа за прилагане на наученото. Всяка една от темите беше адаптирана към фирмената култура, практики и текущо състояние на екипа, което увеличи ефективността на обучението и ангажираността на колегите към темата. Препоръчвам формата “мини сериал”, като изключително интересен, полезен и ефективен вариант за повишаване soft-skills уменията на екипа.” 

Петя Димитрова – Ръководител Направление “Софтуер и услуги за УЧР”

Лого на Raiffeisen Bank

“В продължение на 6 месеца реализирахме с нашия партньор КАТРО България иновативната Видео-обучителната програма за лидери „Успешни в новата виртуална реалност“. Програмата беше изцяло съобразена с опита и нуждите на участниците, обучителите демонстрираха високо ниво на експертиза и практически опит във всяка тема. Всички участници в програмата я оцениха като изключително полезна и приложима в практиката им на ръководители. Препоръчваме КАТРО като надежден партньор на всички компании, които биха искали да повишат дългосрочно компетенциите на своите служители.”

Рада Йосифова, Началник Отдел Чoвешки Ресурси


Q: What is leadership?

A: There are different types of leadership in relation to the leadership characteristics that are considered – business leadership, transformational leadership, situational leadership, charismatic leadership. To meet the challenges of today’s fast-paced daily life, a leader must combine different styles according to the situations in which he finds himself. Read more about the 7 types of leadership to develop today on our blog.

Q: How do I become a leader?

A: If you are an employee and have the ambition to develop leadership qualities, your manager or HR director can make an inquiry to our team. If you yourself are a manager or HR director, contact us and together with our team of specialists we will prepare a program for the development of leaders in your organisation, which can include both group and individual interventions. CATRO programs are individually developed according to the need and specific characteristics of leadership provoked by the context in each organisation.

Q: How to improve your leadership qualities?

A: The answer here is quick, but also difficult to implement – start with attitude, go through self-management and define a new personal development goal continuously. If you think of improving your leadership skills as a one-time thing, you will be disappointed. You will need to equip yourself with a huge amount of patience, calmness and acceptance that will help you get the most out of this adventure. Read more about Competencies of the Modern Leader in our blog article.

Обучения - Осъзнато лидерство

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