Neuro-Agility PROFILE


Neuro Agility Profile™  Advanced+ – A Tool for Developing Human Potential

Every person possesses superpowers, but not everyone recognises and utilises them. Neuroscience now provides answers regarding an individual’s personal potentials through the Neuro Agility Profile Advanced+.

Use the Neuro Agility Profile Advanced+ for:

  • your own personal and professional development
  • measuring and developing teams and individuals in the organisation
  • creating development and training programs for them

Neuro Agility Profile™ (NAP ™) Advanced+

Neuro Agility Profile™ (NAP ™) Advanced+ is a tool for developing human potential and aims to uncover and optimise the functioning of our supercomputer—the brain.

Based on the latest discoveries in neuroscience, the NAP Advanced+ examines the specific workings of each person’s brain (individual neurological design) and the drivers that can enhance its performance.

the brain defines:

  • How we process information and which senses are dominant in our learning
  • How we communicate and express ourselves
  • Where the balance lies between emotions and reason
  • Which is the dominant hemisphere of the brain and how this relates to the likelihood of mistakes, especially under stress
  • What our most developed centers of intelligence are—our natural abilities and talents
  • What are the characteristic types of activities of our neurological design – in which area we are more successful and hence, which job is “my type of job”
  • How our lifestyle and thinking patterns limit or support the brain’s potential
  • To what extent we utilise our potential (most people barely exceed 50%)
  • To what extent do we live a happy, successful, and harmonious lives

wHY SHOULD WE USE Neuro Agility Advanced+?

  • To recognise and develop our full potential
  • To learn faster and be more adaptable
  • To build a life and career based on the strengths that nature has endowed us with
  • To communicate with ease and enjoyment with different (sometimes challenging) people.

Scope and Specifics

  • NAP Advanced+ provides information on 13 neurological components, consisting of 6 drivers that optimise brain function and 7 neurophysiological components that form your unique neurological design 

  • Online questionnaire

  • 32 pages profile illustrating the 13 Neuro Agility elements

  • Recommendations for optimising brain activity across all 7 neurophysiological components

  • Debrief session with a trained specialist

  • Follow-up development programme

  • Post-assessment after 3-6-0 months.

*Currently available in Bulgarian and English language for Bulgaria, Greece, and Cyprus.


    • Individual – Personal Neuro Agility profile with analysis from one of our CATRO Master Practitioners or certified practitioners.
    • Organisational – Explore and develop employees’ potential.
    • Team – Examine and improve team dynamics.
    • Family – Enhance mutual understanding and relationships.

    Benefits of Neuro Agility Profile Advanced+


    Improving the Recruitment Process / Career Selection

    Especially Suitable for Organisations Operating in Dynamic and Changing Environments

    This approach is ideal for organisations where it is important for employees to learn quickly and adapt easily.



    Training / Onboarding Programmes

    “Not what, but how we learn” is the key to effective development—whether individual or as a group. Based on the specifics of each person or team, we can develop programs that are specifically effective for them. This means higher training results and less time spent on learning.

    Development of Leadership Skills and Attitudes

    To successfully manage yourself and others, it’s essential to understand both parties. Through NAP Advanced+, leaders can leverage the unique strengths of individuals, including their own, to achieve their goals with ease and confidence.

    Development of Emotional Intelligence

    A deeper understanding of people’s reactions and successful collaboration, despite our differences

    Stress Management

    Identifying the factors that block us in stressful situations and developing effective coping mechanisms, as well as reducing the risk of errors.

    Improving performance

    When people know themselves and use their power adequately, then they are successful, productive, happy and healthy.

    Maintaining Good Physical and Mental Health in the Workplace

    Ensuring the well-being of employees by fostering both physical and mental health in the work environment.

    Reducing the Risk of Human Error

    Regardless of how skilled we are in a given area, everyone has a different propensity for making mistakes based on their neurological design. This tool measures the risk of errors and develops supportive mechanisms to help avoid them.

    Team Dynamics

    Mutual understanding of the unique characteristics of team members enhances communication dynamics within the organisation.

    Employee Engagement

    The most complex aspect of a person and, at the same time, the most important for them. Where to invest their energy and emotions—somewhere they feel understood, accepted, and supported.

    Learning Culture

    NAP Advanced+ fosters a new type of learning mindset—tailored to individual strengths and preferences. This significantly enhances the effectiveness of all forms of training, including formal, informal, coaching, mentoring, and more.

    What Makes Neuro Agility Advanced+ Different?

    • The tool includes personalised guidelines for improving brain function.

    • The questionnaire can be applied to teams.

    • It includes post-assessment after a specified development period.


    SEE What our clients HAVE TO SAY


    Thank you very much for having accompanied UNICEF Bulgaria, in this journey we started 1,5 years ago with CATRO, exploring resilience and well-being through the lens of Neuro-Agility! It’s a journey that continues inside all of us and together in the office. We appreciate the knowledge and tools you have shared with us throughout the process, and helping us to create a safe space where colleagues feel at ease to speak and to share! We believe that our sessions together, brought us wisdom, resilience, valuable insights and tools to continue nurturing our well-being in both professional and personal spheres.

    Christina de Bruin
    Representative and UN Designated Official for Bulgaria

    „Запознаването с Neuro-Agility беше много интересно и полезно допълнение към нашето вътрешно събитие. Колегите имаха възможност да опознаят себе си и хората, с които работят, да научат повече за силните си страни и да разберат как могат да развият неврологичната си гъвкавост. Благодарим на екипа на Catro за изживяването, споделените знания и ценните насоки.“


    Биляна Джалева
    Internal comminications manager

    Еднодневния Neuro-agility  уъркшоп повдигна изживяването за инструмента на още по-високо ниво, съчетавайки индивидуалните резултати в един общ профил на екипа. Този допълнителен екипен профил ни предостави дълбоко разбиране как можем да работим по-ефективно и да се възползваме от нашите допирни точки и как можем да се допълваме в разликите си. Сесията включваше изключително успешно занимателни упражнения и игри, които ни предизвикаха да приложим новите техники и принципи в реални сценарии и казуси. Вярвам, че този опит ще ни подготви по-добре за нашите професионални роли, както и направи значително по-щастливи и пълноценни и като екип, и като хора.

    Йордан Генов
    Senior Manager


    If you have any doubts, feel free to call or write to us for more information. We will show you sample profiles and answer all your questions.

    You Also Get

    We Have Developed the Following Alongside the Neuro-Agility Tool:

    • Employee well-being programs
    • Leadership skills and attitudes development program
    • Soft skills training and workshops
    • International certification programme for working with the Neuro Agility Advanced+ tool to build internal capacity within organisations for people development
    • Community of practicing professionals and certified coaches to support anyone interested in training and applying the tool.

    *CATRO Bulgaria is an authorised strategic business partner of Neuro Link International Inc. and Neuro Link Europe.

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