Happy people

Satisfied employees

Successful business

Progressive & happy society

a better place for our children

Following our mission to support the personal development and well-being of employees in organizations, CATRO Bulgaria develops and offers unique well-being programs for our clients and partners according to their specific needs.

We do consider:

  • the needs of employees and the business needs of organizations (initial research)
  • the principles and achievements of the globally known Employee Assistance programs – EAP
  • the scientific knowledge and methods recommended by neuroscience, psychology, NLP, coaching, nutrition, Eastern philosophies, movement and breathing practices.



  • The pandemic has unlocked our deepest fears – about our own survival – and put the physical and the mental health into a focus, along with the search for a greater meaning of our lives.
  • The changes in the world around are suffocating us and bring unpredictability and uncertainty about the future.
  • We are witnessing an unprecedented rise in mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety, burnout, lack of motivation and energy, engagement, meaning and satisfaction in work and life in general, which remain unaddressed adequately or in time.


  • Business needs to meet challenges at all levels to ensure its sustainable development.
  • Employees must be “fit” and give their best, be committed and loyal to the company in a long term.
  • There are still not enough trained specialists in the field of mental and physical support in organizations.

the new KNOWLEDGE in action

  • Psychology, neuroscience, and the sciences of healthy and balanced living enable an integrated approach to human health and well-being.
  • New knowledge is available to everyone more than ever.
  • Knowledge must be practised to turn into a habit and to be useful – what a better place to do that than the workplace!


  • aware, calm, motivated and sustainable employees
  • positive effect on work process and relationships
  • improved business results
  • building a culture of support and care (for yourself and others)
  • new knowledge and skills of the future
  • empowering people to learn and develop in their desired direction
  • reducing absenteeism, sick leave and unproductive time
  • a sense of community within the company and improvement of the organizational climate.

Why invest in WELL-BEING programs for your employees?

The leading benefits according to a recent survey (as of April 2022) conducted among about 160 HR managers, specialists, leaders, and owners of companies from Bulgaria, Belgium, Greece, Italy and Cyprus within the framework of the Thrive@Work project are:

  • Increasing motivation and efficiency
  • Increasing the sense of happiness and harmony of people

The main and most important benefits of well-being in the workplace

  • Commitment, motivation 87.5% 87.5%
  • Efficiency, productivity 81.25% 81.25%
  • Mental health, happiness 75% 75%
  • Supportive climate and relationships 37.5% 37.5%
  • Physical health 37.5% 37.5%
  • Job satisfaction 37.5% 37.5%
  • Work-life balance 37.5% 37.5%
  • Staff retention 37.5% 37.5%
  • Preventiveness 6.25% 6.25%

The full survey can be accessed here:


Individual services:

  • psychological support for employees and their families, including crisis interventions
  • coaching sessions with a focus on dealing with work challenges, efficiency, relationships, personal brand, boundaries, etc.
  • specialized assessment with Neuro Agility Advanced + a tool to assess the potential for neurological flexibility, adaptability and realization of talents
  • personal development programs based on assessment results
  • career coaching to increase overall job satisfaction and career planning

individual and group services:

  • interactive trainings and webinars on various topics
  • team interventions on various cases (including improving communication; resolving conflicts; increasing team cooperation, etc.)
  • mediation for problems, disputes or situations that cannot be resolved without external intervention
  • simulations, projective methods, games that treat common human topics and problems in a fun and delicate way
  • group/team profile with the Neuro Agility Advanced + tool to determine the team’s “soul”, strengths, specifics, “blind spots” and opportunities to improve communication, efficiency, results and satisfaction from working together.

And more added value:

  • Initial audit of the well-being status in the organization
  • Preparation of a communication strategy
  • Introductory meetings to get to know our team
  • Library of additional materials
  • Online platform for recording individual sessions
  • Selection of a specialist
  • Performance evaluation
  • Analysis and recommendations for follow-up actions
  • Training of internal specialists from the organization


It is the process that explores the needs of the people in the organization. We can support you in your research and suggest various items to meet these needs.



“In the period July – August 2020, the company’s specialists held interactive online webinars and individual sessions for psychological support at the peak of the Covid pandemic. Thanks to the meaningful program and professional approach, KATRO experts managed to win the trust of the participating SOS associates, to hold their interest and show them how to determine the criteria and measures to improve the identity, culture and climate in the Association, to seek and find their ways to overcome anxiety and adapt to changes.”

Valeria Georgieva, Executive Director


“CATRO was our partner in the key process of laying the groundwork for a comprehensive employee support programme here at Seebruger. Thanks to their utmost commitment and professionalism, we succeeded to create the right conditions to offer such a pivotal service for our people. For a year, our employees took part in webinars addressing important current topics such as stress management, anxiety, burnout prevention, work-life balance, several teams worked together in team bonding workshops and those in need had the chance to make use of an individual consultation. (…) We value highly our partnership with CATRO who helped us establish ourselves as a company that gets employees wellbeing right.”

Svetlana Bovianski, Procurator, Head of Administration


Q: Employees often vote “For” individual psychological counseling as part of the program, but rarely take advantage of it. How can we change this?

A: Psychology is a part of everything we do, but we don’t need to necessarily see a psychologist. Psychology gives us a different perspective on ourselves and helps us unlock potentials and locked-in strengths.

We don’t always recognize the need for a psychologist. We need to come to that conclusion ourselves. That is why our approach is from the general to the particular, from group work to individual work. Group work raises a number of questions, people observe different behaviors, including their own, on the basis of which they can continue individual work with a different specialist that they liked during group events.

Q: How to increase utilization of EAP and WELLBEING programs?


  • We attract the leaders of our country to actively participate and be able to benefit from the created “high vibration”.
  • We support HR professionals, leaders and managers to take advantage of the development space that our programs open up.
  • We apply individual profiling tools to select appropriate forms of support.
  • We are looking for people’s opinion.
  • We are different!

Q: Can I benefit from a separate training/service instead of a complete program?

A: Yes, together with your employees we will select the most suitable services and relevant topics that they want to learn more about!

Well-Being / EAP

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