Neuro Agility Certification


Get certified and become part of the Neuro Agility practitioners!

If you are a professional who wants to learn:

  • how to understand and support the uniqueness of each person and the development of their potentials?
  • how to make your work with people more effective, stepping on their uniqueness?
  • how to develop the teams in your organisation?
  • how to increase the effectiveness of training and development investments in your organisation?
  • how to develop employee wellness programmes based on their unique neurological design and intellectual preferences?

… The International Neuro Agility Programme will give you the answers.

International Neuro Agility Certification Programme for Practitioners



HR specialists, trainers, coaches, consultants, all supporting professions.


Increasing personal efficiency as a specialist. Increasing the efficiency of people and business as a whole.


Gaining knowledge about how the human brain works and what potential each of us has.

Acquiring skills to work with the Neuro Agility Advanced + profiling tool in order to identify this potential, as well as the obstacles to its development.


On individual and team/organisational level.

about Neuro Agility Advanced +

The neuroscience-based tool Neuro Agility Advanced+ is an online questionnaire that:

  • was developed in close collaboration between the company Neuro Link and the University of Pretoria in South Africa
  • examines the genetically based neurological design of the individual
  • explains the most effective learning mechanisms according to individual information processing
  • reveals the activities in which one can have the greatest success
  • explains the factors and likelihood of making mistakes at work
  • it is not a psychometric test, which could easily be manipulated for social desirability
  • has no analogue in the world offering such precision and affordable price, which measures all 7 neurological components and 6 factors to optimize brain performance.

The programme consists of:

Neuro Agility is a unique educational, hands-on and certification programme that builds on the exploration of two aspects:

  • the brain’s naturally occurring personal potential (a neurological design composed of 7 components and 6 optimization factors) 
  • the habits and attitudes that help or limit its full use.

In the programme you will learn:

  • how the brain works and why we are all different;
  • why everyone learns differently and why mainstream development programmes are not effective;
  • how to work with the online neuroscience-based Neuro Agility Profile Assessment™ (NAP) questionnaire;
  • how to interpret results and how to design personal development programmes for your clients;
  • how to make team/group profiles and create development programmes for specific components.

If we managed to grab your attention, but you have only personal interest in the tool, get acquainted with the possibility of a 6-month Individual programme based on the Brain Agility Booster programme developed by our partners Neuro Link.

4 practical webinars and 1 in-person workshop

to develop your skills for working with the tool on a personal and team level

30 hours of flexible online self-training

14 video modules with theory

Neuro-Agility Handbook

with all necessary information about how to work with the tool

Online resources

Additional free materials and resources

Personal mentor

for support and exchange of experience during the programme


upon successful completed training (there is also a test, but it is not scary)

Membership in our community

network  with other Neuro Agility practitioners and partners of Neuro Link

Business opportunities within the community

for joint projects based on the instrument and the programme

Each participant in the programME also receives our gifts:

Personal Neuro Agility Profile™

free personal NAP profile and results debrief with our specialist

3 additional Neuro Agility profiles for free

to practice with colleagues or clients of your choice

Exposure on our website

your profile will be introduced in the Neuro Agility Practitioners section, after successful certification

Duration of the programme
4 months, you learn at your own pace; the online sessions are tailored to the participants, and self-training is entirely in your hands


Working language
webinars are held in Bulgarian; since the materials on the online platform are in English, a good working level is required. Profiles can be prepared in different languages, according to the preference of the person filling in the questionnaire.

Become a Neuro Agility Practitioner if:

You work with individual clients as:

  • Coach or NLP Practitioner
  • Career consultant
  • Psychologist and therapist
  • Wellness expert

You develop human capital in your organisation as:

  • HR expert
  • Expert training and development
  • Career consultant
  • Business coach

You are looking for new collaboration opportunities and partnership projects

benefits for your clients

  • Accelerated switch to “desired change” through awareness of the relationship between naturally set potentials and factors that optimize brain performance.
  • Get concrete tools and techniques to develop plasticity and use more of the brain’s capabilities.
  • Learn and practice how to improve their learning skills.
  • Reduce errors in their work.
  • Facilitate their career choices with ease.
  • Choose a direction to unleash their leadership potential.

Benefits in the organisation

  • measuring the specific needs of different teams and optimizing learning and development programmes;
  • increased effectiveness of investment in training and development;
  • increased levels of engagement, overall organisational climate and individual well-being;
  • improved team communication and dynamics based on the GROUP Neuro Agility profile and the specifics of each team.

See what our Practitioners have to say


Много обогатяващо и полезно изживяване! Постоянна подкрепа от екипа на КАТРО и практични упражнения по време на срещите. Препоръчвам на всеки, който иска да разбере по-добре себе си и околните.

Обучител и спортен психолог
Иво Маринов

Изключително приятно изненадана съм от програмата. Информацията е поднесена ясно, лесно и достъпно и то по тема, която е изключително сложна и комплексна. Neuro-agility е обхватен и дълбок метод за личностно развитие, който дава възможност по ясен и структуриран начин да достигнем до подобрена версия на себе си. Горещо препоръчвам както метода, така и CATRO като представител на Neuro-link

Маринела Григорова

Сертификационната програма Neuro-agility е приключение с изненадващ край! Така, че ако търсите себе си, своите силни страни или се чуествате на кръстопът в живота си, обучителната програма с помощта на треньорите от CATRO ще ви поведат уверено в това пътешествие!

Компютърен инженер
Радостина Захариева

Ако искате да се разширите и да провокирате себе си. Да откриете начин, по който да сте полезен и да давате добавена стойност на хората, с които работите. Или просто да сте по-наясно със себе си, своите таланти и предпочитания Neuro-agility е подходящ и даже задължителен елемент!

Консултант и треньор
Борислав Николов

“От преминатото обучение в онлайн системата на Neuro-Link, практическия тренинг с партньорите от CATRO България и двугодишния професионален опит, който имам с NAP Advanced+ вече мога с увереност да заявя, че това е един универсален (многофункционален) и 100% работещ инструмент за развитие на хора, защото кореспондира с персоналния ми коучинг подход, който съм изградила към клиентите ми – включително, когато става дума за групи от хора в случаите, при които е необходим метод за подобряване на комуникацията в екипа и повече яснота за характеристиките и зоните на развитие на членовете от екипа на дадена организация.”

Милена Атанасова

Моята програма Restart е насочена към определяне и постигане на цели, съдържа и много инструменти за изграждане на умения за израстване на личността. Включването на инструмента Neuro-Agility е този елемент, който завърши програмата и я организира по най-ефективният начин. Той е началото, отправната точка, с която започваме коучинг процеса.

Да се включа в Сертификационната програма е едно от най-важните за мен решения – интересно и атрактивно, придружено с желание да научавам все повече и повече. В процеса на обучение, а и след това, се радвам на подкрепа и бърза реакция от екипа на CATRO. Благодаря за възможността да се докосна до това знание, да го прилагам и да чувствам удовлетворение и подкрепа.

Коуч, НЛП, biofeedback
Маруся Маринова

begin your certification journey

and join our international

Neuro Agility community now!

Dates: September 2024 - December 2024


Take advantage of our early bird discounts (until May 29) and get personal gifts and combined discounts:

  • 20% early bird discount
  • after 29.05 discounts for representatives of the NGO sector, students and more than one representative from an organisation
  • free personal profile
  • debrief meeting to discuss results
  • 3 additional profiles to use with people of your choice to practice your NAP Questionnaire skills during training
  • personal mentor who will support you during the entire training
  • access to literature, video materials, work manuals
  • free pass to our international community of practitioners

Get the best possible price

according to your goals and position!

Our Neuro Agility Master Trainers


MA in Political Science, Economics and European Law, Heidelberg, Germany; Executive MBA (Human Resource Management), University of Sheffield. She specializes in organisational development and HR consulting. Passionate Neuroscience researcher with a focus on employee engagement and motivation, conscious leadership and interpersonal relationships.

Diana Nedkova-Butanska

Bachelor of Business and Management with a major in Human Resource Management from the University of Salford, UK. Professional focus on search & selection of senior and middle expert positions from various sectors; organisational consulting and corporate trainings.

Stephanie Kostova-Marokova

MA in “Organisational and Social Psychology”. Experienced trainer and certified Neuro Agility Master Practitioner. Professional interests in the field of psychological research and its practical application in a real work environment, organisational diagnostics and group dynamics training.

Emilian Krumov

Master’s degree in Organisational, Occupational, Clinical and Counselling Psychology from Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. Certified Coaching Practitioner from SOVF Netherlands, Certified Trainer of the EU YiA programme in Croatia, Certified Trainer of Trainers in Ethnic Diversity Conflict Management from FPDL-Romania and Certified Trainer in Social Skills from UNFPA. Professional focus on organisational development and training programmes.


Iveta Simeonova

Bachelor in Psychology and Master in “Labor Markets and Human Resources Development” from Sofia University. Professional focus on the search and selection process, as well as the development and implementation of trainings.

creator of Neuro Agility Profile Advanced+

André Vermeulen – GUEST TRAINER

André Vermeulen is the founder and CEO of Neuro Link, a consulting company specializing in Neuroscience and its application in workplace learning. Brain-based learning and development, which has evolved over the years into Neuro Agility, has been his interest and passion for over 27 years. André is the architect, developer and owner of the Neuro Link Business Partnering System, which creates business opportunities for hundreds of entrepreneurs worldwide and adds value to the lives of thousands of people.


If you are still unsure about participating in the certification training, order your personal Neuro Agility Profile™ (NAP™) Advanced+ now to get first-hand information about the potential of the Neuro Agility tool.

Become part of the community of Neuro Agility practitioners in your region (Bulgaria, Greece and Cyprus) and develop your professional expertise by incorporating neuroscience into your practice!

The certification programme is conducted in a group of maximum 10 participants to ensure quality of the training process. Book your seat in the training now!

Q: How long is the certification programme?

A: Approximately 4 months, which includes self-study, four webinars, a workshop, practice with clients, supervision and assistance from your mentor as well as a final exam.

Q: How do I pay?

A: You can pay in advance, taking advantage of all the discounts we offer. Or pay in three installments over the programme 4-month period.

Q: Where is the Neuro Agility Practitioners Certification recognized?

A: The certificate is recognized internationally in all locations around the world where Neuro Link has representation, including USA, South Africa, Europe, UAE, Latin America, China and Russia.

Q: How will I use the Neuro Agility tool after I complete my certification?

A: Through the online platform for work with clients – it generates a link to the questionnaire. Your clients fill it out, and you get their profiles, so you can do a follow-up debrief and cerate a development programme – individual or group – based on specific goals (professional and personal).

Q: Are the profiles for my clients who will use the Neuro Agility tool paid?

A: Once you are certified and start implementing the Neuro Agility Profile, you owe a fee to Neuro Link for each generated profile. Orders and payments are managed by CATRO Bulgaria. The prices for you as practitioners are preferential – with a 50% discount.

Q: How many clients should I have to return my investment in the certification costs? 

A: It depends on the volume and the are where you apply the tool. In our experience, with up to 30 clients, you will be able to recoup your investment in full (meaning just over 2-3 clients per month for 1 year!). Achievable, right?

Q: How big is the training group?

A: The certification course is conducted in a group of not more than 10 participants in order to guarantee the quality of the learning process and to be able to provide individual support to each participant.

Q: Do I need to have a prior qualification or degree?

A: It is not necessary and not required, but since the certification training is specifically aimed at working with people in terms of their development – personal and professional – minimal experience, knowledge and a strong interest in this direction are desirable.

Q: In what language is the training conducted?

A: The training is conducted in Bulgarian or English, depending on the composition of participants (CATRO Bulgaria is managing the programme for Cyprus and Greece too). The training materials are available in both EN and BG, and are accessed in the international training platform of Neuro Link. 

Q: What does the certification process include?

A: To obtain your Neuro Agility Practitioner certificate, you will need to:

– experience your individual profile
– test the profile with 3 real clients and do 3 debrief sessions with them (preparing an interpretation and development programme) 
– receive supervision of your debrief session from one of our Neuro Agility Master Practitioners
– go through all the modules in the online learning platform
– take a final test, which must be passed with a minimal score of 80%.

Q: What is the added value of the Neuro Agility Practitioner Certificate?

A: – You become part of a large international community of practitioners

– You have access to the latest information via Neuro Link

– You also receive support from other CATRO Bulgaria practitioners in difficult cases or large projects

– You use a tool that encompasses the person holistically at the level of mind, psyche, body, habits, natural intelligence, inclination to various activities

– You use one tool – Neuro Agility – instead of a collection of several others with partial coverage of the same things
– You get knowledge and practical tools for developing individual potential
– You get knowledge and practical tools for the development of teams, their interaction, efficiency, overall well-being
– You directly influence the happiness of the people around you and help them develop their potential, build resilience and balance in all important areas of their lives.

*CATRO Bulgaria is an authorized strategic business partner of Neuro-Link International Inc. and Neuro Link Europe.

NAP - Certification

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