The Employer Brand represents your unique corporate culture

It is the factor that distinguishes you as an employer and shapes the perceptions of your employees. At CATRO Bulgaria, we enhance this broad organizational phenomenon with a holistic approach, and in the process we build on Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle model.

According to him, successful companies and leaders communicate from the inside out. Their behavior is driven by the question of WHY they are inspired by what they do, or in other words, the values and beliefs at the core of their commitment and identification with the organization. This then is when we can determine WHAT you are delivering and HOW to create value for customers and potential employees.

To build a strong Employer Brand and define your Unique Employee Value Proposition, we start with a comprehensive diagnostic of your recruitment, training and employee retention processes.

Employer Brand Analysis

Basic program

Brand positioning and competitor analysis through:

  • Diagnostics of corporate web pages
  • Monitoring the recruitment process and job advertisements
  • Assessment of the company’s career pages and social media visibility
  • Conducting interviews with former employees, job applicants who have declined job offers, and students.

Analysis and comparison of the vision of the business and the one of the employees through:

  • diagnosis of existing communication channels with employees
  • recruitment cost analysis
  • cost analysis for training and induction of new employees
  • analysis of the results of exit interviews
  • job shadowing
  • diagnosis through “secret candidate” in the selection process.

А Employer Brand Analysis

Advanced Program

  • Employer Branding Wheel

A unique CATRO methodology for a comprehensive understanding of the unique proposition that each employer, consciously or not, articulates to its employees. The Employer Branding Wheel covers the key moments in each employee’s experience, from their first meeting with the company and the recruitment process, to how they grow and develop within the company, as well as alignment with the company’s values and belief in the leadership team. The Employer Branding Wheel is explored through focus groups with a defined sample of employees and managers, from which an actualized Employee Value Proposition can be defined, and key areas for development can be identified.

  • SCARF™ Employee Engagement Survey

A study that completes the overall picture vis-à-vis employee engagement, based on the neuroscience methodology developed by CATRO: SCARF™ Employee Engagement. The unique approach has been successfully applied in several international companies in Bulgaria – in the financial, automotive and IT sectors. The survey can also be adapted to the company’s current strategic objectives with additional focus on current trends, new developments in the way of working and other business specifics.

The combination of both the Employer Branding Wheel & SCARF™ Employee Engagement Survey provides the optimal insight into the internal and external appearance of an employer brand – a solid and reliable foundation for next steps.


Which is the most suitable package to analyze your employer brand?

After the diagnosis, comes the actual phase of consolidating, improving, and developing your Employer Brand through exemplary steps such as:

  • renewal or update of Employee Value Proposition
  • Employer Branding campaign integration in partnership with marketing, PR and communication experts. Includes filming of corporate videos, new visual identity of the career page, branding of social networks as well as key internal company programs and initiatives
  • setting out an Employee Engagement Roadmap, with which we purposefully work towards better key enablers of increased employee engagement – induction and mentoring programs, internal referral programs, internship programs, employee recognition programs, trainings, etc.

    Learn more about the benefits of creating a strong Employer Brand in our HR blog.

Contact us so we can tell you more about the results we can achieve together.



„We are pleased to acknowledge CATRO Bulgaria for the great contribution to one of our biggest employer branding projects with focus on Raiffeisenbank’s employer of choice strategy. What impressed us most during our mutual work was the systematic, holistic approach of CATRO, their thorough analyses and positive attitude as a whole. CATRO’s team proved to be very supportive, empathetic and accurate, working with true enthusiasm and devotion form the beginning till the end of the project. (…) They are a reliable partner which demonstrates good work ethics, professionalism and high standards in the employer branding consultancy”

Rada Yosifova, Human Resources Manager


„В лицето на експертите на КАТРО срещнахме професионалисти, които умеят да уловят нуждите и очакванията на отсрещната страна и да напаснат програмата към конкретния контекст и изисквания.“

Pentax medical

“Техният цялостен и системен подход позволи преминаването през различните етапи на програмата да бъде в съзвучие със стратегическите приоритети и цели на компанията. (…) КАТРО е надежден и професионален партньор в изготвянето и провеждането на Employer branding програма, съобразена изцяло с нуждите и контекста на техния клиент и партньор.“


HR Services - Employer Branding

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