At CATRO, we know from experience that socially excluded groups from the labour market have huge and untapped potential.

Our task is to unlock their abilities, help empower them and thus make them an equal part of society.

It is in our CSR European projects that we see the opportunity to realise this mission. Thanks to many years of successful partnerships with various organisations all over Europe, we have the opportunity for sustainability and scale in a not easy cause.

Our team applies its experience in developing and implementing significant European projects with a social cause. Projects that support and involve different groups of people facing diverse challenges in the course of their social, educational and labor integration.


  • refugees and migrants
  • disadvantaged adults and youth
  • people with diasbilities
  • adults with low digital skills
  • victims of domestic violence
  • NEETs
  • adults over 65 years
  • educators, trainers and corporate sector representatives we support on socially relevant topics


CATRO applies its expertise by providing soft skills training, psychological and career counselling and developing training materials on media literacy, critical thinking, digital skills, climate issues, sustainability, entrepreneurship, competence assessment and validation, etc.


As part of the international group of die Berater, CATRO Bulgaria is a member of the bridges to europe community, which gives us the opportunity to collaborate with more than 800 organizations in 45 countries in Europe. As a reliable partner, coordinator, evaluator and trainer, the CATRO team has successfully implemented more than 30 European projects in different fields since its establishment in 2010.

Career integration in the labour market

As an HR consulting company, at CATRO we pay special attention to the labour integration of various socially excluded groups. Our efforts are focused on training on legal, social, intercultural and psychological issues for companies and organizations in the public and non-governmental sectors, organizing meetings between employers and potential employees from migrant backgrounds, providing individual career counseling and support to disadvantaged youth, NEETs, childhood cancer survivors, people who have left work due to providing informal care at home, and people with acquired disabilities after an accident or illness.


Well-being at the workplace

We create methods and products to support the overall well-being and prosperity of employees based on current data and research on workplace dynamics. Advances in modern technology and science, as well as our expertise in neuroscience and psychology, give us a starting point for addressing every issue we encounter in a work environment, but also for guiding employers to opportunities for development and well-being – both for them and their employees.

Sustainable development

Our green contribution is introducing businesses to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and linking them to the ongoing professional development of employees. Environmental and climate action are key priorities for the EU, so we are also developing green training for all as a tool to build knowledge, skills and attitudes to combat climate change and support sustainable living.

Competence assessment and validation

We believe that the acquisition of new knowledge and skills should not be limited to formal classroom learning. Therefore we pay particular attention to the validation of competences developed through non-formal and informal learning – so-called soft or transferable skills. Today, business values them no less than the “hard” skills specific to each position. Intercultural competences, volunteering, creativity and innovative thinking are also our focus in various European projects.

creativity and innovation

We see creativity and innovation as a top priority in non-formal education. We therefore encourage the development of entrepreneurial thinking and attitudes, both in disadvantaged and unemployed young people and in adults taking vocational education and training courses. We even support people over 55 who have the desire or are forced by demographic reality to prolong their career path and find new ways to stay active.

Digital skills and media literacy

We support diverse groups of people in making a smooth digital transition and participating fully in today’s civil democratic society. We do this by improving their skills to search and find jobs, to use e-government services skillfully, to learn online, to recognise fake news online. We strive to develop their critical digital and media literacy and help them to protect themselves from the increasing misinformation online.

Modern training approaches

Formal learning environments that rely on holistic approaches to learning and development are key for all age groups, and we strive to update them and make them more adaptable to new realities. Through the development of innovative blended learning programs, we are working to overcome various barriers related to creativity and innovation management at the intersection of higher education and business, the implementation of modern approaches to curating and delivering learning content to adults, the inclusion of students with neurodiverse behaviors (such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) in the classroom, and more.


We work for the psychological empowerment of different groups, in particular women victims of domestic violence, through technological innovation and psychological support on their path to economic self-sufficiency. Through our participation in sustainable European projects, we contribute to raising awareness on this sensitive issue, both in the corporate sector and among society at large.